I think this is an extremely important message to share…
I can’t even begin to tell you the number of times I’ve heard people (including clients) say that once they hit 40 it’ll be ALL downhill in terms of their training and results. I don’t know where this mindset came from, but it’s so far from the truth.
I love proving people wrong in terms of what I am capable of doing in my 40s.
This past week I hit a new muscle-up PR of 10 consecutive reps, and a weighted muscle-up PR of 20 lbs. I was hoping to achieve both of these PR’s before my 43rd birthday in September.
I started learning muscle-ups at age 39. So the fact I’m doing this in my 40s is such an incredible feeling! I’m SO much stronger and more athletic in my 40s than I was in my 20s and 30s.
Use this as a reminder that you can keep improving!
At age 32, once I finally found someone who could diagnose me and tell me why I’d been dealing with the unpredictable and awful full body symptoms and issues after the bad car accident I’d been in when I was 28, I was determined to get really strong, regain my athleticism, and sense of self as I’d lost that.
Due to the severe nerve irritation (stemming from my rib area) that I’d been dealing with for the 5 years post car accident, I’d developed some major compensation patterns and had to relearn how to do everything. It was humbling and very discouraging at times.
I’m really proud of myself for persisting after my 5 year car accident ordeal as MANY times, there didn’t feel like there would be any light at the end of the tunnel, and I was in a pretty dark place, both mentally and physically.
Once I got my diagnosis and solution, focusing on mastering the fundamentals, really focusing on form over ego lifting, and being patient are largely why I was able to make my ‘’comeback,’’ so to speak.
This is relevant to EVERYONE!
I know countless people who are in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond who continue to get stronger, feel better, and more empowered!
If you want another example, here is my mom (73 years old at the time) learning how to do push-ups. She was also wearing her pyjamas :).
Sure, your max strength at 40 might be different from your max strength at 25, but that’s assuming you were training effectively at 25.
If you ask most ‘’older’’ people, myself included, they’ll tell you they weren’t training as effectively or as intelligently at 25 as they are now.
Here is my 75 year old client Sue doing 2 chin-ups for the first time!
Many ‘’older’’ people have really learned and evolved, and are no longer ‘’ego lifting,’’ they are no longer chasing after exhaustion at the expense of form, they are performing exercises that are better suited to them, and they are prioritizing recovery.
As a result, MANY people in their 40s and beyond are achieving far superior results than when they were in their 20s and 30s.
Here is my 48 year old client Amanda getting a trap bar deadlift PR of 225 lbs.
You CAN keep improving as you hit your 40s, and well beyond!
And remember, progress comes in MANY different forms!

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