When countless people perform plank variations (or really, many exercises that are done in a prone position), they mindlessly hang out on their shoulders. This might not make your shoulders overly happy,…
Awesome Exercise For Improving Hip Mobility And Strength
This awesome exercise strengthens the glutes, and improves hip mobility (internal and external rotation). Coaching Tips: Sit on the floor. Your head, torso, and hips should be in a stacked position. Bring…
Sloppy Renegade Row Form? Try Out This Trick!
If you are performing Renegade Rows correctly, your weight should remain equally distributed on both feet and your body should not move at all. VERY few people perform Renegade Rows correctly…
5 Exercises Runners Need To Try.
To be very clear, if you want to get better at running, you NEED to run. However, while running offers many benefits, running is not a suitable substitute for strength training.…
Stronger Neck Flexors With These Two Exercises
Many people have weak neck flexor muscles. While training, playing sports, and even during daily living, many people observe they really feel the muscles on the back and/or sides of their…
Serratus Slides Form Fix. Troubleshooting This Awesome Exercise
Serratus slides are an awesome exercise for strengthening the serratus anterior muscle. The serratus anterior is overlooked by many, and is hugely influential in terms of shoulder health and function. The serratus…
5 VERY Humbling Exercises That Use A Foam Roller
This week I am sharing 5 VERY humbling exercises that use little more than a foam roller (several also use a band). While these exercises require minimal equipment, they are challenging and…
Strength Training: Stop Chasing Fatigue. Focus On Making Yourself Better.
When it comes to strength training, chasing fatigue and trying to make oneself as tired as possible will compromise the integrity of your form during your workouts, and will hinder your ability…
Wall Mountain Climbers: Advanced Core Exercise
Here is a tough core exercise I saw another coach share a while back. This exercise is also great for shoulder and scapular stability, strengthening the hip flexors, and full body coordination.…
Part 1 – Struggling To Do Pistol Squats? Try This Exercise!
Are you struggling to do pistol squats? Kickstand pistol squats will help bridge the gap! Unlike regular pistol squats, you will keep the heel of your non-working leg on a towel/something that…
Hip Hinging: Form Fix
Hip hinging is a movement you are required to do every day. Many people struggle to perform this movement correctly. The video on the left highlights several mistakes you often…
Superman Catches: Awesome Shoulder Warm-Up
This exercise, which I got from @realgame.athletics, is a fantastic exercise for warming up the shoulders. This exercise is also great for hand-eye coordination. This exercise could be great for baseball players,…
Step-Ups: Form Fix
Step-ups are an awesome and very beneficial exercise when performed correctly. Unfortunately, most people make key errors that render the exercise much less effective. I have a solution! Potential Solutions: When you…
Dead Bugs: Good Form Vs Bad Form
Dead bugs are one of my go-to exercises for improving lumbo-pelvic stability (think ‘’core.’’). This is an exercise you see being performed incorrectly ALL the time. GOOD FORM 😇 …
Banded Taps For Glutes: Good Form Vs Bad Form
Band resisted multidirectional taps is an awesome exercise for the glutes. This is an exercise that most people do incorrectly. If you are performing the exercise correctly it will not feel too…
5 Innovative Exercises For Stronger Quadriceps
This week I’m sharing 5 innovative exercises for strengthening the quadriceps. #1) Landmine Step-Ups + Band Resistance This exercise strengthens the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings, the muscles in the lower leg and…
5 Advanced Exercises To Light Up Your Core
This week I’m sharing 5 advanced core exercises you can try. Make sure you are proficient at the fundamentals before you try these exercises. #1) Single Arm TRX Fall-Outs This exercise strengthens…
Amazing Client Progress: 2 Chin-Ups At Age 75!
This was pre-pandemic. Sue is 75 years old. She always wanted to be able to do an unassisted pull-up. For several years we worked as a team to achieve this goal.…
Amazing Client Pull-Up Progress: From 0 To 9 Reps In A Year!
Let me introduce my online client Amanda. She is 48 years old, and lives on the other side of the world in Australia. Pull-ups are a big goal of Amanda’s. When we…
Do A Better Plank, Not A Longer Plank!
“What if instead of doing a longer plank, you did a better plank?” This is a quote from coach Elsbeth Vaino. I couldn’t agree with her words more! If you are performing…