Sloppy Renegade Row Form? Try Out This Trick!

If you are performing Renegade Rows correctly, your weight should remain equally distributed on both feet and your body should not move at all. ⁣

VERY few people perform Renegade Rows correctly and you will commonly see people shifting their weight from foot to foot, rotating their pelvis, torso, and spine, hyperextending their lower back and flaring their ribcage, or slamming the weights to the floor. This is often a reflection of poor lumbo-pelvic stability, lack of scapular controlled mobility (and stability on the planted side), or sometimes a lack of mental effort and rushing each rep.

 Try This Trick!!

To help clean up your form, and to keep your form honest, place a dowel of some sort down your spine. If you are not properly engaging your core, glutes, and scapula stabilizers, and if you are not stabilizing your pelvis, torso, and spine, the dowel will not remain on your body. With the dowel, ‘’cheating’’ is not possible. ⁣

Are Renegade Rows Still Too Challenging? Try This Variation

Modify the exercise by elevating your hands and the weights on a bench, or other stable elevated surface. As your form improves, you can progress by using a lower surface.

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