While it took me MANY years and countless struggles and setbacks to find my ‘’sweet spot’’ with my training and lifestyle, I’ve gotten there and will never look back. I train for…
Build A Strong Back With These 5 Exercises
Here are 5 of my top back strengthening exercises. These exercises are a staple in my training, and the training of my many clients. I also include many of these exercises in…
5 Exercises For STRONGER Adductors
The adductors are a muscle group that are overlooked by many. Fixating on the glutes (a lot of people can probably relate to this) but neglecting the adductors is a common mistake…
5 Top Exercises For Building Strong And Stable Shoulders
Here are 5 top exercises for building strong and stable shoulders. I bet you haven’t tried many of these exercises before! These exercises will be beneficial to your pull-up, push-up, and muscle-up performance…
Do These Instead Of Crunches! Part 2
Here are 5 awesome core exercises for improving lumbo-pelvic stability. (think core). You do NOT need to do crunches or sit-ups to have a strong and highly functioning core! A LOT of…
5 Unique Core Exercises For Better Push-Ups And Pull-Ups
The push-up is a moving plank, and the pull-up is a moving “slight hollow body.” Despite the fact I’ve been shouting this from the rooftop for YEARS, countless people of all fitness…
You Do NOT Need Barbell Hip Thrusts To Build Strong Glutes!
While many people adore barbell hip thrusts and they can be a great option, you do not have to do heavy barbell hip thrusts to strengthen and grow your glutes! In fact, you…
Build Bulletproof Hip Flexors Using Only A Resistance Band!
Here are 5 hip flexor strengthening exercises that only require a resistance band! I bet you haven’t tried many of these! All of these exercises are in my Ultimate Hip Flexor And Core…
Build A STRONG Full Body With These 6 Dumbbell Exercises
Build a strong full body using just dumbbells. Here are 6 of my go-to exercises for accomplishing this! You CAN build a strong body using a fairly minimal amount of equipment! These…
Want STRONG Hamstrings? Do These 5 Exercises!
Here are 5 of my go-to hamstring strengthening exercises. These exercises will help you build strong and resilient hamstrings! Many of these exercises require a fairly minimal amount of equipment so they…
5 Advanced Bodyweight Exercises That Will HUMBLE You!
Many people assume bodyweight training is easy and ineffective. This is flat out WRONG!! Some of the strongest and most athletic people out there are exceptional at controlling their own bodyweight. Here are…
5 Accessory Exercises For Better Pull-Ups And Muscle-Ups
When it comes to training for pull-ups and muscle-ups, including accessory exercises is very beneficial. These exercises can help prepare your body for the rigours of pull-ups and muscle-ups, and they address…
Build A Strong Core With A Foam Roller! Do These 5 Exercises!
Here are 5 foam roller exercises that will help you build a strong core. All you need is a foam roller. You can also improvise and can use a towel or pillow…
5 Top Exercises For Building Strength, Mobility, And Athleticism
Here are 5 top exercises for building strength, mobility, and athleticism. These exercises require a fairly minimal amount of equipment so they are great for home workouts, and they can also be…
10 Advanced Types Of Push-Ups You Can Learn
When it comes to push-ups (and really, anything you do), once you’ve owned the fundamentals and have mastered the basics, the sky is the limit! If you are still learning push-ups, these…
Is Your Grip Limiting Your Lower Body Training? Try This Tip!
When a LOT of people train their lower body, their grip can be a HUGE limiting factor! In other words, the amount of weight they are able to hold in their hands…
Struggling With Pull-Ups? STOP Relying On Banded Pull-Ups! 😲😲
Have you been relying on band assisted pull-ups, and the second you attempt to do unassisted pull-ups they seem impossible? I know this is something COUNTLESS people can relate to! To be…
5 Exercises For STRONGER Hip Flexors AND Core Muscles!
I’ll come right out and say it. Most people, including beginner to advanced gym goers, runners, and athletes do not give their hip flexors the strengthening attention this important muscle group needs and…
A TOP Core Training Tip To Truly Work Your “Abs!”
When a LOT of people train their core, they anchor their feet. While they are under the impression they are training their “abs,” they are actually getting more of a hip flexor…
How I Learned Muscle-Ups At Age 40. Get Your First Muscle-Up!
Muscle-ups are something I’m really passionate about! Back in the day, muscle-ups were something I always wanted to do, but they seemed impossible. I started training for muscle-ups right before my 40th…