Landmine training is an extremely underrated method of training. Landmine training will help you get stronger, build muscle (if this is a goal), and improve your athleticism/movement. Landmine training is very user friendly so it can be done by most people!
Are you unfamiliar with landmine exercises? They involve an angled barbell movement. One end of the barbell is in a fixed position on the ground (or in a landmine attachment), and you hold the opposite end of the barbell. To be very clear, while using a landmine attachment is great, it is not mandatory. You can rest the barbell against a secure surface like a wall, box/other object, or on a no-slip surface.
Here are 5 of my go-to landmine exercises for strengthening the lower body.
#1) Landmine Lateral Squats
This exercise strengthens the adductors, improves controlled mobility in the hips, and lumbo-pelvic stability.
Coaching Tips:
- Set up a barbell so it is lengthwise. You may anchor the barbell against a stable surface like a wall, weight plate, or box, or on a no slip surface. You may also use a Landmine attachment.
- Position your body so the end of the barbell is in the center of your body and is chest height. Keep tension in your upper body, and imagine you are trying to crush oranges in your armpits.
- Adopt your preferred foot width and positioning. Your feet will likely be significantly wider than during your regular squatting stance.
- On the planted/squatting side, form a tripod base by placing your weight on the back portion of your foot, and the base of your big and baby toes. Pretend you are suctioning or screwing your foot to the floor.
- Before each rep (when you are in the top/center position), take a deep breath in (360 degrees of air around your spine), and brace your core (360 degree brace around your spine).
- Now perform a lateral squat and lower yourself down to a range where you are able to maintain proper form. During the squat, and for 100% of the exercise, your body should travel laterally.
- When you reach the bottom position, one leg should be in a squat position, and your knee should be in line with your toes. As for your other leg, your knee should be fully extended, or close to it (if you lack mobility).
- Gain a moment of control, then press away from the floor with the squatting side and return to the top/center position.
- For the duration of the exercise, your head, torso, and hips should remain in a stacked position. Do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, or torso, spine, or hips to rotate.
- For the duration of the exercise, your torso should remain in a relatively upright position.
- In terms of breathing, do what works and feels best for you.
#2) Landmine Suitcase RDL’s
This exercise strengthens the posterior chain muscles, and improves lumbo-pelvic stability. This exercise is very anti-lateral flexion and anti-rotational in nature.
Coaching Tips:
- Set up a barbell so it is lengthwise and is in line with your armpit. You may anchor the barbell against a stable surface like a wall, weight plate, or box, or on a no slip surface. You may also use a Landmine attachment.
- Hold the end of the barbell in one hand. Keep your arm rigid and imagine you are crushing an orange in your armpit.
- Adopt your preferred stance. Form a tripod base by placing your weight on the back portion of your feet, and the base of your big and baby toes. These parts of your feet should remain in contact with the floor for the duration of the exercise. Pretend you are suctioning or screwing your feet to the floor.
- Before each rep, take a deep breath in (360 degrees of air around your spine), and brace your core (360 degree brace around your spine).
- Now hinge/push your hips backwards. Pretend a rope is pulling your hips backwards or that you are trying to press your hips back against a wall.
- Do not relax or lose tension when you are in the bottom position.
- When you reach your full range, press your body away from the floor and back to the top/starting position. Use a range where you can maintain proper form.
- Perform the lockout by squeezing your glutes and hamstrings and extend your hips, and extend your knees.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your knees to fall inside or outside of your feet.
- For the duration of the exercise, your head, torso, and hips should remain in a stacked position. Do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, or torso, spine, or hips to rotate.
- In terms of breathing, do what works and feels best for you.
#3) Landmine Step-Ups + Band Resistance
This exercise strengthens the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings, the muscles in the lower leg and foot, and improves lumbo-pelvic stability. I am using a lot of resistance (the band makes these VERY challenging), so I am using more assistance from my back leg than I usually would.
Coaching Tips:
- Set up a barbell so it is lengthwise. You may anchor the barbell against a stable surface like a wall, weight plate, or box, or on a no slip surface. You may also use a Landmine attachment.
- Attach a band around the barbell, and rest the band under the mid/back portion of your foot.
- Position your body so the end of the barbell is in the center of your body and is chest height. Keep tension in your upper body, and imagine you are trying to crush oranges in your armpits.
- Stand on one foot on a stable elevated surface, and have a slight bend in your knee. Your head, torso, and hips should be in a stacked position. As for the non-working leg, keep it extended, and contract your quadriceps and glutes on this side.
- On the planted/stepping side, form a tripod base by placing your weight on the back portion of your foot, and the base of your big and baby toes. These parts of your foot should remain in contact with the surface for the duration of the exercise. Pretend you are suctioning or screwing your foot to the surface.
- Before each rep, take a deep breath in (360 degrees of air around your spine), and brace your core (360 degree brace around your spine).
- Now perform a step-up and press your body away from the surface and to the top position. Aim to do most of the step-up with the leg that is on the elevated surface.
- Gain a moment of control in the top position, then perform the reverse movements and slowly lower to the floor.
- When you are performing the lowering, pretend you are “pulling” your body down with your leg. Don’t just mindlessly drop down.
- Touch the floor as softly as possible. Imagine a raw shelled egg is on the floor directly below your foot. Touch the floor softly enough that the egg won’t break (I’m obviously not being literal, but you get the gist of it).
- Do not relax or lose tension when you are in the bottom position.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your knees to fall inside or outside of your feet.
- For the duration of the exercise, your head, torso, and hips should remain in a stacked position. Do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, torso, spine, or hips to rotate, or hip to drop on one side.
- In terms of breathing, do what works and feels best for you.
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#4) Landmine RDL’s + Band Resistance
This exercise strengthens the posterior chain muscles.
Coaching Tips:
- Set up a barbell so it is lengthwise and is in line with the center of your body. You may anchor the barbell against a stable surface like a wall, weight plate, or box, or on a no slip surface. You may also use a Landmine attachment.
- Loop a long band around the end of the barbell, and place the band under the mid/back portion of your feet. There should be resistance in the band for 100% of the exercise, and the resistance should be even on both sides.
- Hold the end of the barbell in both hands. Keep your arms rigid and imagine you are crushing oranges in your armpits.
- Adopt your preferred stance. Form a tripod base by placing your weight on the back portion of your feet, and the base of your big and baby toes. These parts of your feet should remain in contact with the floor for the duration of the exercise. Pretend you are suctioning or screwing your feet to the floor.
- Before each rep, take a deep breath in (360 degrees of air around your spine), and brace your core (360 degree brace around your spine).
- Now hinge/push your hips backwards. Pretend a rope is pulling your hips backwards or that you are trying to press your hips back against a wall.
- Do not relax or lose tension when you are in the bottom position.
- When you reach your full range, press your body away from the floor and back to the top/starting position. Use a range where you can maintain proper form.
- Perform the lockout by squeezing your glutes and hamstrings and extend your hips, and extend your knees.
- For the duration of the exercise, your head, torso, and hips should remain in a stacked position. Do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, or torso, spine, or hips to rotate.
- In terms of breathing, do what works and feels best for you.
#5) Landmine Reverse Nordic Curls
This exercise strengthens the quadriceps, improves lumbo-pelvic stability, and shoulder and scapular stability.
Coaching Tips:
- Set up a barbell so it is lengthwise. You may anchor the barbell against a stable surface like a wall, weight plate, or box, or on a no slip surface. You may also use a Landmine attachment.
- Position your body so the end of the barbell is in the center of your body. In the starting position, your arms and barbell should be in a relatively overhead position.
- Get into a tall kneeling stance. Adopt your preferred knee width. Your body should be in a straight line from your head to knees.
- You may plantarflex or dorsiflex your feet. Do what works and feels best for you.
- Before each rep, take a deep breath in (360 degrees of air around your spine), brace your core (360 degree brace around your spine), and squeeze your glutes.
- While keeping your body in a straight line from your head to knees, take 3-5 seconds and use your quads to control the movement as you lower your body down to your full range. Use a range that allows you to maintain proper form.
- Do not relax or lose tension when you are in the bottom position.
- In the bottom position, your arms and body should form approximately a 90 degree angle.
- Once you’ve hit the bottom position, use your quads to bring your body back to the top/starting position.
- For the duration of the exercise, your body should remain in a straight(ish) line from your head to knees. Do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, torso, spine, or hips to rotate, or weight to shift from knee to knee.
- For the duration of the exercise keep your core muscles braced (360 degree brace around your spine), and squeeze your glutes.
- In terms of breathing, do what works and feels best for you.
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