This awesome exercise strengthens the glutes, and improves hip mobility (internal and external rotation).
Coaching Tips:
- Sit on the floor. Your head, torso, and hips should be in a stacked position.
- Bring one leg so it is ahead of you, and bend your knee to about a 45-90 degree angle. For the duration of the exercise, keep this leg in this position, and flat on the floor.
- On the other side, bring your leg behind you, and bend it to about a 45-90 degree angle.
- Place a low object so it is on the inside of the lower leg of the back leg.
- Place your hands so they are on the outsides of your thigh of the front leg, and lightly rest your hands on the floor.
- While keeping your knee of the back leg on the floor, use your hip muscles and lift your foot/lower leg over the object in a medial direction.
- Lightly touch your foot to the floor, then lift your foot/lower leg over the object in a lateral direction.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not let your foot or leg strike the object.
- For the duration of the exercise, your head, torso, and hips should remain in a stacked position. Do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, or torso, spine or hips to rotate.
- For the duration of the exercise, keep your core braced (360 degree brace around your spine).
- In terms of breathing, do what works and feels best for you.

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