When a LOT of people train their core, they anchor their feet. While they are under the impression they are training their “abs,” they are actually getting more of a hip flexor workout!
❌ Anchoring the feet under objects can cause the hip flexor muscles to compensate in place of the anterior and lateral core muscles.
While this is fine if you are meaning to target your hip flexors, if you are trying to work your ‘’abs’’ there is a better option!
Keep reading to learn about this game-changing tip that will take your core training to another level!
Here is a MUCH better core training strategy if you are trying to target your “abs!”
In this video, I’m driving my feet back into the weights versus anchoring my feet under the weights. I’m also contracting my hamstrings. These two strategies inhibit my hip flexors so my “anterior and lateral “abs”/core muscles are working MUCH more!
✅ Drive your feet back into some heavy dumbbells/another stable surface, and contract your hamstrings.
✅ Pretend you are trying to pull your heels in towards your hips.
✅ If you don’t have heavy objects to use, perform a similar movement and drive your heels into the floor (you can put a band down under your heels for more grip).
If you are accustomed to anchoring your feet, you’ll be in for a rude awakening when you attempt to lift your torso off the floor as you’ll discover just how much you’ve been relying on your hip flexor muscles!
If you want to train your “abs,” this is the way to go!
This is also a great example of how you can target different muscles while performing a similar exercise.
✅ Make sure you perform 100% of the exercise using complete control.
✅ Make sure your head, torso, and hips remain in a stacked position.
✅ Use a range where you are able to maintain proper form/feels good. When you are first starting out, you might only be able to lift your torso several inches off the floor as this exercise is very humbling!
❌ Do not bounce and do not use momentum!
I got this awesome idea from coach Luka Hocevar.

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