Here is something I wrote a while back. I was asked to be quoted in an article. I’m not sure how much of this is going to be used, so I figured I’d share all of my words in a blog post.
‘’So many coaches underestimate the importance of becoming really proficient at understanding basic exercises, and having a wide array of regressions, progressions, and modifications for all of these exercises. They often equate flashier and more advanced exercises as being better, or more ‘’entertaining.’’
These coaches are overlooking some extremely valuable keys that might be preventing their clients from achieving optimal results. This glaring oversight, and one that is fairly common, is also likely holding them back from growing as a coach, and becoming elite.
First of all, basic often works best. Achieving one’s goals, not being entertained, is often why clients decide to work with a coach. Secondly, coaches who are able to thrive in the creativity department have an exceptional understanding of the basics, and have absolutely owned them. As a result, and I include myself in this category, these coaches have the building blocks that allow them to add their own creative layers into their coaching, and exercises. What they do absolutely makes sense.
As I always say, if you are going to be creative with an exercise, you absolutely need to be able to justify why, and your creativity must make sense. Random circus exercises just don’t cut it… Guess what, most of the effective innovative exercises that exist are typically staple exercises that have been slightly tweaked.
Mastering the fundamentals, having an excellent understanding of the basic staple exercises, and knowing many different regressions, progressions, and adaptations for these exercises will help make this possible. But when in doubt, basic works best.’’
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