Here are three common mistakes people make when they are learning muscle-ups, and some of my go-to actionable and practical solutions for tackling these muscle-up roadblocks. These mistakes can range from being totally glaring, to more subtle. As a coach, and as a trainee, it is important to be able to recognize both the glaring and subtle mistakes. I could have included MANY other mistakes people make.
I have you more than covered as The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program troubleshoots and helps solve all of these issues that might be holding you back.
Mistake #1: Lacking A High Pull-Up
In order to do muscle-ups, you need to develop a high pull-up where your mid to low chest reaches bar level. Many people can do a LOT of chin or collarbone to bar pull-ups, but these won’t be high enough for doing successful muscle-ups.
This is likely the biggest muscle-up “mistake” I see as many people think their pull-up is high enough to successfully be able to do muscle-ups. If your pull-up isn’t high enough, you’ll have to “chicken-wing” your muscle-up in order to transition (NOT what we want, and not a true rep), or you’ll miss the rep entirely.
As high pull-ups are the most important aspect of being able to do muscle-ups, in The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program you will learn how to do high pull-ups, and will become more proficient at doing them. This is the next step for your pull-ups, and will have a HUGE carryover to your ability to do muscle-ups.
If you are not yet at this level of pull-up proficiency, I recommend you complete my Ultimate Pull-Up Program first as this program will give you the pull-up competency you need in order to move on to doing muscle-ups.
Here are two of my go-to exercises for improving pull-up height and power.
Band RESISTED Pull-Ups
I know many people have heard of band assisted pull-ups, but few have heard of band RESISTED pull-ups! Band resisted pull-ups can be great for developing your pull-up height and power.
Set-up option 1:
Set-up option 2:
Set-up option 3:
Weighted Pull-Ups
With these, weight yourself however you prefer (weight belt, hold weight between feet, loop KBs over feet, etc).
Aim to pull as high and explosively as possible, even if you aren’t actually moving quickly.
Mistake #2: Having A Faulty Path To The Bar (Either A Vertical Path, Or Long Inefficient Arc)
With muscle-ups, the path to the bar should be a slight arc. I cover this in much greater detail in the introduction/background section of The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program as I really dissect muscle-up form, and provide you with a LOT of education.

Muscle-Ups With A Proper Path To The Bar
Faulty Bar Path #1: Vertical Path
If your bar path is purely vertical, the bar will likely block you and your muscle-up attempt will be thwarted, or you’ll be forced to “chicken-wing” the rep.
Fault Bar Path #2: Swinging Too Much
If you swing too far ahead and/or behind the bar, your path to the bar will be longer and less efficient. This will make each rep more challenging, and likely impossible to complete.
While you are learning muscle-ups, you will likely need to swing slightly more, but as you become more proficient and gain strength, technique, and confidence, you can almost completely eliminate your swing. Small details will have a huge impact on your ability to do muscle-ups.
Mistake #3: Poor Pull Timing
With muscle-ups, you want to time your pull so you do your “pull-up” right when you hit the end of the forward swing. Many people are impatient and pull while their body is still traveling forward and is moving in the wrong direction. The end result will be a much more inferior pull, and almost certainly, a failed muscle-up attempt.
Other people wait slightly too long before they initiate the pull. While the first mistake likely has a greater impact on muscle-up performance, perfecting your pull timing will really make a big difference!
Remember, like any skill this will take practice, consistency, and mindfulness. Do not expect instant results overnight!

Check out my Ultimate Muscle-Up Program. A world class training program for excelling at muscle-ups. Do your first rep ever! Improve your PR for reps! Dramatically improve your form! And learn a LOT in the process! For trainees AND coaches! Home workout friendly, and for gym workouts.
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