Focus On Progress, Not Perfection. A Few Of My Training Bloopers.

Sometimes I am tough on myself and think I should be better (or good at something right away), but then I take a step back and remember just how far I’ve come.

In terms of the more advanced calisthenics I’ve been doing (handstands, muscle-ups, planches, levers, etc), I have no gymnastics background, and only started learning these exercises in my very late 30s (and now 40). ⁣

The ‘’old me’’ would have fallen prey to playing the comparison game, as I used to do that ALL the time. I still have my moments, but for the most part I’m proud of my progress, both mentally and physically.

I’m really enjoying the process, and will never stop learning, growing, playing around/having fun, and testing my limits. ⁣ ⁣

Here are a few bloopers from when I was in the earlier stages of my calisthenics journey. I totally forgot about these! ⁣😂😂

Also, while I rarely bail now, when I do it’s totally automatic/effortless. This has been a game-changer, and has allowed me to safely push my limits much more.

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