This is a bit of a long post, but is something that I needed/wanted to say. While what I talk about below might be insignificant to some, it is important to me.
For over 13 years, I have been in the fitness industry. While I am far from the most popular person in the industry, I take the platform I have to share my message very seriously. Three words that are incredibly important to me, both personally, and professionally, are authenticity, consistency, and integrity. I do my very best to ensure that what I say and do are congruent with these words. I have worked hard to build my reputation, and will continue to better myself and my reputation for as long as I am in this line of work. I will never sell myself out, or stray from my beliefs and values to become more popular, or to make more money. This will never change.
I recently had an article published by one of the most popular fitness sites on the internet. I was shocked (more like horrified) as several additions had been made to my article (after I had already given my final approval, and after I had already fought to have MANY other additions removed), and these additions contradict everything I stand for, and what I preach on a daily basis. I could have let it slide, but being true to myself, and owning my message and responsibility to legitimately help others, are both incredibly important to me.
After the final article was published, I made it extremely clear to the person I had been communicating with that I was not remotely happy (more like downright furious) with the additions, that I do not stand for or condone them, and that I will no longer write for them if they throw me under the bus and add in content that does not align with my message of authenticity, integrity, and consistency. Despite the fact that it is a great opportunity, particularly to grow my audience, I am not just ”happy to be here.” I am proud of what I do, I want to make a difference, and I want my work to reflect this.
I wasn’t sure what to expect, and I wasn’t about to lose any sleep over it, but standing up for myself seems to have worked as I just received an email saying that they have removed the additions, and changed the introduction back to the original final copy that I had approved. They also said that they will add in a term that my work cannot be changed once I give theiredits my final approval.
In case people are wondering, these are the words that cheapened my article, and totally contradict what I stand for: “Pancake butts? They’re out. Sculpted, developed posteriors are in!” While this statement might seem insignificant to some, it made my blood boil, and I wasn’t going to let it slide. I encourage all of my clients, the people who follow me, and everybody I know, to love their body, and to do what makes them feel good. I have never, nor will I ever, tell somebody how their body should look, and I most certainly will never tell anybody how their body should not look. To me, this is absolutely unacceptable.
I am hugely passionate about educating, empowering, and guiding/supporting people so they become the happiest, and healthiest version of their current self. I strive to help people achieve a lifestyle that is enjoyable, practical, empowering, and sustainable, and one that involves helping them become more, not less. Of course the definition of ”more” will vary on an individual basis. To be clear, while having aesthetic goals is totally legitimate and healthy, and I will definitely work with people to help them achieve these goals, I will do so by building them up and empowering them, not by telling them how they should or should not look, and not by breaking them down.
This is a totally random post, and if you read it, I thank you. I just wanted to get this off my chest. If a similar situation has happened/happens to you, and if it truly matters to you, stand up for yourself. I am so glad I did.
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