This week I am sharing 5 exercises you can do using a weighted backpack. I made the weighted backpack by adding 3 large laundry detergent jugs of water (this is 30 lbs), and I also add dumbbells. So the weight ranges from 30-85 lbs. In this feature I include exercises that target the lower body, upper body, and core muscles.
#1) Staggered Stance Good Mornings With Weighted Backpack
This exercise strengthens the posterior chain muscles. The bag I’m using weighs 85 lbs.
Coaching Tips:
- Wear a weighted backpack on your back.
- Form a tripod base by placing your weight on the back portion of your front foot, and the base of your big and baby toes. These parts of your foot should remain in contact with the floor for the duration of the exercise. Be on the forefoot of your back foot.
- Before each rep, take a deep breath in (360 degrees of air around your spine), and brace your core (360 degree brace around your spine).
- Now hinge/push your hips backward. Pretend a rope is pulling your hips backwards or that you are trying to press your hips back against a wall.
- When you reach your full range, engage your posterior chain muscles and press your body away from the floor and back to the starting position.
- Perform the lockout by squeezing your glutes and hamstrings and extend your hips, and extend your knee.
- Exhale after you have pressed away from the floor and are approaching the top position.
- Do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, or torso, spine or hips to rotate.
#2) Opposite Shoulder Touches From Bear Crawl + Weighted Backpack
This exercise improves shoulder and scapular controlled mobility (and stability on the planted side), and lumbo-pelvic stability. The bag I’m using weighs 55 lbs.
Coaching Tips:
- Wear a weighted backpack on your back.
- Get into a bear crawl position.
- Your shoulders should be above your hands. Open your hands and fingers, and pretend you are suctioning them to the floor.
- Before each rep, take a deep breath in (360 degrees of air around the spine), brace your core (360 degree brace), and squeeze your glutes.
- Touch your opposite shoulder with your hand. Pause for a count, and lower to the floor. Pay attention to your non-working/supporting side. Push away from the floor and protract your shoulder blade (move it away from your spine and around your ribcage). Do not mindlessly hang out.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not let your lower back hyperextend, ribcage to flare, torso, spine or hips rotate, weight shift from foot to foot, or hips pike or collapse.
- Aside from your moving arm, the rest of your body should remain in a fixed position.
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#3) Negative Front Squats With Weighted Backpack
This exercise strengthens the quads, hamstrings and glutes, and improves lumbo-pelvic stability. The bag I’m using weighs 85 lbs.
Coaching Tips:
- Wear a weighted backpack on the front of your body. The bag interferes with my depth a bit, but it still works well.
- Position your arms as you would during regular front squats (or at least close to it).
- Adopt your preferred foot width and positioning.
- Form a tripod base. Your weight should be on the back portion of your feet, and the base of your big and baby toes. Pretend you are suctioning your feet to the floor.
- Before you go, take a deep breath in (360 degrees of air around your spine), and brace your core (360 degree brace around your spine).
- Now take 3-5 seconds to perform a squat and lower yourself down to a range where you are able to maintain proper form. When you are performing the squat, aim to sit between your heels, and keep your torso in a relatively upright position.
- Exhale after you have pressed away from the floor and are approaching the top position.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your knees to fall inside or outside of your feet. In this variation, your knees should remain above your heels.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, ribcage to flare, torso, spine or hips to rotate, or weight to shift to one side of your body.
#4) Dragon Flags + Weighted Backpack
This exercise improves lumbo-pelvic stability, and shoulder and scapular stability. The bag I’m using weighs 30 lbs. This was very challenging. Make sure you can do regular dragon flags before using any resistance.
Coaching Tips:
- Wear a weighted backpack on your front.
- Bend your elbows, and grab onto something behind you. I’m holding onto the leg of the bed.
- Keep your chin tucked and neck in a neutral position.
- Lift up your legs so they are in a vertical position, fully extend your knees, and plantarflex your feet (point them away from you).
- Brace your core muscles (360 degree brace around your spine), tuck your ribs towards your hips (close the space in your midsection), and contract your quads and glutes. While keeping your body in a straight line from your head to feet, lift your mid back, hips, lower legs off the floor. Now slowly lower your body towards the floor and so these areas remain off the floor.
- Maintain this position for the duration of the exercise.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, or ribcage to flare, torso, spine or hips to rotate.
- In terms of breathing, do what works and feels best for you.
#5) Split Squats With Weighted Backpack
This exercise strengthens the quads, hamstrings, glutes, lower legs and feet. The bag I’m using weighs 85 lbs.
Coaching Tips:
- Wear a weighted backpack on your back.
- Get into a split squat position. Your head, torso and hips should be in a stacked position.
- Adopt your preferred foot width and positioning.
- Form a tripod base by placing your weight on the back portion of your front foot, and the base of your big and baby toes. These parts of your foot should remain in contact with the floor for the duration of the exercise. Pretend you are suctioning or screwing your foot to the floor. Be on the forefoot of your back leg.
- Before each rep, take a deep breath in (360 degrees of air around your spine), and brace your core (360 degree brace around your spine).
- Now perform a split squat and lower yourself to your full depth.
- Then press away from the floor using mostly the front leg, and return to the top/starting position.
- Exhale after you have pressed away from the floor and are approaching the top position.
- For the duration of the exercise, your head, torso, and hips should remain in a stacked position. Do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, or torso, spine or hips to rotate.
- Do not allow your knees to fall inside or outside of your feet.
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