Pistol squats are an awesome bodyweight exercise. This advanced exercise requires a lot of controlled mobility through the hips, knees, and ankles, a lot of strength in the lower body, and also balance.
This week I collaborated with coach Leanne Kedrosky, and we are sharing 5 exercises that will help you get your first pistol squat.
To be clear, avoid pistol squats if they bother your knees or any other part of your body. Instead, try out skater squats. I will post a video at the bottom of this article.
#1) Dorsiflexion Lift-Offs
Here is a very basic exercise you can use to help improve your ankle mobility. You should feel this in the front of your ankle.
Coaching Tips:
- Kneel on one leg. Place your other leg so it’s ahead, and so your foot is on the ground.
- Gently shift your bodyweight forward onto your foot, and dorsiflex your ankle.
- Then gently rock back and lift your toes and foot, and dorsiflex your ankle.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your heel/back of your foot to leave the floor.
- In terms of breathing, do what works and feels best for you.
#2) Hip Flexion Passive Range Holds (+ Advanced Bonus)
When many people attempt to do pistol squats, or pistol squat variations, they are unable to keep their non-working leg elevated and in the correct position. This is especially true in the bottom position, and you’ll often see the heel strike the floor. Strong hip flexors play a huge role.
Coaching Tips:
- Get into the bottom position of a pistol squat. You may squat down into position, or you may get into position from the floor.
- Your head, torso and hips should be in a stacked position, and your body should be square to a wall that is ahead. Your knee should be in line with your toes.
- On the planted side, form a tripod base by placing your weight on the back portion of your foot, and the base of your big and baby toes. Pretend you are suctioning or screwing your foot to the floor.
- Elevate and extend your non-working leg, and plantarflex your foot.
- Use your hand and lift your leg to your full range. Hold for a few seconds. Lower, and repeat.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, excessively round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, or torso, spine or hips to rotate.
- In terms of breathing, do what works and feels best for you.
Bonus Exercise: Band Resisted Straight Leg Hold In Pistol Squat
Perform the hold, but using band resistance. The same key points in form apply. This exercise is extremely challenging.
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#3) Box Step-Downs
This exercise strengthens the muscles in the lower body, and helps improve balance.
Coaching Tips:
- Set up a high box or step. It should be high enough so you can achieve your full depth during the step down.
- Stand on one foot, and have a slight bend in your knee. As for the non-working leg, keep it fully extended and close to the midline of your body.
- On the planted side, form a tripod base by placing your weight on the back portion of your foot, and the base of your big and baby toes. Pretend you are suctioning or screwing your foot to the box.
- Before each rep, take a deep breath in (360 degrees of air around your spine), brace your core (360 degree brace around your spine), and tuck your ribs towards your hips (close the space in your midsection).
- Now perform a single leg step-down, lightly touch your heel to the floor, then push back up and return to the starting position. The leg that is on the box should be doing all of the work.
- As for the non-working leg, lightly dust the floor with your heel. I like to imagine that if an uncooked egg were below your foot, the pressure would be so light the shell wouldn’t crack.
- Exhale after you have pressed away from the box and are approaching the top position.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your lower back to hyperextend or excessively round (everyone looks different and some flexion is okay), ribcage to flare, or torso, spine or hips to rotate. Your torso and hips should stay square to a wall that’s ahead.
- Do not allow your knee to fall inside or outside of your foot.
#4) Eccentric Only + Concentric Only Pistol Squats
These two exercises teach you how to perform both the eccentric and concentric components of the pistol squat.
Eccentric Only
Perform the lowering component of the pistol squat, and stand up using both legs.
Concentric Only
Perform the lowering component of the pistol squat using both legs, and stand up using one leg.
Coaching Tips (for both):
- On the planted side, form a tripod base by placing your weight on the back portion of your foot, and the base of your big and baby toes. Pretend you are suctioning or screwing your foot to the floor.
- When you perform the both eccentric and concentric component, aim to simultaneously move at the knee and hips.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your non-working leg or foot to drop. Fully extend your leg, keep your quad and glute engaged, and plantarflex your foot.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your knee to fall inside or outside of your foot.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, excessively round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, or torso, spine or hips to rotate. Your torso and hips should stay square to a wall that’s ahead.
- In terms of breathing, do what works and feels best for you.
#5) Stealth Walks
This exercise is a fun movement flow, but it reinforces pistol squat form, improves ankle, knee, and hip mobility, balance, and lower body strength.
Coaching Tips:
- Get into the bottom position of a pistol squat and pause for a count.
- Now elevate your heel and push off your forefoot on the front leg.
- Bring your non-working/extended leg forward, and get into the bottom position of the pistol squat using that leg. As you are doing so, bring your other leg around you, and extend this leg, and plantarflex your foot.
- In terms of your foot, on the planted side, form a tripod base by placing your weight on the back portion of your foot, and the base of your big and baby toes. Pretend you are suctioning or screwing your foot to the floor.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, excessively round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, or torso, spine or hips to rotate. Your torso and hips should stay square to a wall that’s ahead.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your knee to fall inside or outside of your feet.
- In terms of breathing, do what works and feels best for you.
Skater Squats
If pistol squats are currently too challenging, or if they don’t feel good in any part of your body, skater squats can be a great option. In this video I’m using band resistance. The band, which is applying tension medially, is great for people who have a tough time keeping their knees from falling in, and/or arches from collapsing.
Coaching Tips:
- Fasten a resistance band around a secure surface, and attach the band around your ankle. There should be tension in the band for 100% of the movement, and the tension should be coming medically.
- Stand on one foot, and have a slight bend in your knee. As for the non-working (inside) leg, keep it bent and close to the midline of your body. Engage your hamstring and glute in this leg.
- Form a tripod base by placing your weight on the back portion of your foot, and keep your toes down, particularly your big and baby toes.
- Extend both of your arms.
- Before each rep, take a deep breath in (360 degrees of air around your spine), brace your core (360 degree brace around your spine), and tuck your ribs towards your hips (close the space in your midsection).
- Now perform a single leg squat, lower yourself down to your full depth (a range where you are able to maintain proper form), then push back up and return to the starting position.
- Exhale after you have pressed away from the ground and are approaching the top position.
- For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your lower back to hyperextend or round, ribcage to flare, or torso, spine or hips to rotate. Your torso and hips should stay square to a wall that’s ahead.
- Do not allow your knee to fall inside or outside of your foot.
You can learn more about Leanne HERE
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