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  • Question: How Do I Anchor My Feet During Bosu GHR’s?

Question: How Do I Anchor My Feet During Bosu GHR’s?

Several days back, I shared this awesome exercise. This IS a very useful way you can use a Bosu. The Bosu serves as a perfect anchor for doing glute hamstring raises. Glute hamstring raises are one of my go-to exercises for strengthening the posterior chain muscles.⁣

As I was trying to fit most of my body in the video, you couldn’t see the space on the wall behind my feet. While I explained exactly how my feet were anchored in my post (and article), I guess many people do not read full post descriptions so I had well over 20 people ask me this EXACT question. So, here you go… ⁣

⁣I don’t mean to be stern, and this feels weird as I rarely am, while I LOVE answering your questions, and I hope this is pretty obvious, I do not love answering questions that have already been covered in my posts. I think many of us feel this way. We take the time to create the content, so if you plan on asking questions, please take the time to read our full posts BEFORE you ask anything. This way I can be a lot more helpful. Thank you ❤️

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