Here are 5 unique exercises that will help you build rock hard and resilient shoulders. All of these exercises, which require a minimal amount of equipment, accomplish much more than simply giving…
5 Top Exercises For Building Healthy And Strong Shoulders
Here are 5 awesome exercises for building more durable and resilient shoulders. Having strong and durable shoulders play a massive role in how your body functions, performs, and feels! I am including…
Build A Strong Core With 5 Of My Favorite “Plank” Exercises
Despite what you might think, planks don’t have to be easy or boring. Once you have mastered the fundamentals there are countless challenging plank variations you can do! Check out another article…
5 Top Exercises For Building Strong And Stable Shoulders
Here are 5 top exercises for building strong and stable shoulders. I bet you haven’t tried many of these exercises before! These exercises will be beneficial to your pull-up, push-up, and muscle-up performance…
5 Unique Core Exercises For Better Push-Ups And Pull-Ups
The push-up is a moving plank, and the pull-up is a moving “slight hollow body.” Despite the fact I’ve been shouting this from the rooftop for YEARS, countless people of all fitness…
5 Advanced Bodyweight Exercises That Will HUMBLE You!
Many people assume bodyweight training is easy and ineffective. This is flat out WRONG!! Some of the strongest and most athletic people out there are exceptional at controlling their own bodyweight. Here are…
10 Advanced Types Of Push-Ups You Can Learn
When it comes to push-ups (and really, anything you do), once you’ve owned the fundamentals and have mastered the basics, the sky is the limit! If you are still learning push-ups, these…
Get Your First Push-Up! 5 Push-Up Exercises For Beginners
Countless people have the goal of being able to do full push-ups from the floor, but have NO idea where to begin. Furthermore, there is so much unhelpful information out there that…
Get Your First Push-Up! 5 Game-Changing Core Exercises!
As I talk about all the time, push-ups are a moving plank. In order to get your first push-up, and learn more advanced types of push-ups, you need to be able to…
5 Smarter Strategies For Achieving Muscle “Confusion”
Stop being confused about muscle confusion! Countless people make the mistake of constantly switching up their training program or jumping from new exercise to new exercise because they “crave variety” or “get…
Get Your First Push-Up: 3 Of My Top Push-Up Cues!
While many people think of the push-up as relatively basic, it is in fact an exercise that a myriad of people of all genders, fitness levels, and abilities, struggle to do properly.…
Get Your First Push-Up With These 5 Push-Up Progressions
Push-ups are an incredibly effective and empowering bodyweight exercise, but are one that many people of all fitness levels and abilities struggle to excel at. It’s not uncommon for someone to be…
5 Hollow Body Holds For Building A Strong Core
Hollow body holds are one of my top exercises for building a strong core. If you want to thrive at pull-ups, push-ups (and also perform more advanced variations of both), and countless…
5 Planks That Aren’t Easy Or Boring – Part 2
Despite what you might think, planks don’t have to be easy or boring. Once you have mastered the fundamentals there are countless possibilities. Here are 5 plank variations that are not…
Awesome Accessory Exercise For Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, Muscle-Ups!
This exercise strengthens the triceps and improves lumbo-pelvic stability. This is a great example of a “moving plank.” This exercise will have a great carryover to pull-ups, muscle-ups, push-ups, and many other…
Serratus Slides Form Fix. Troubleshooting This Awesome Exercise
Serratus slides are an awesome exercise for strengthening the serratus anterior muscle. The serratus anterior is overlooked by many, and is hugely influential in terms of shoulder health and function. The serratus…
5 Advanced Exercises To Light Up Your Core
This week I’m sharing 5 advanced core exercises you can try. Make sure you are proficient at the fundamentals before you try these exercises. #1) Single Arm TRX Fall-Outs This exercise strengthens…
Bulletproof Your Shoulders With This Exercise
Here is an awesome exercise for bulletproof shoulders. I love using these as part of my warm-up, particularly before I do my muscle-ups, pull-ups and push-ups. Coaching Tips: Place a resistance…
One Of The Most Deceptively Challenging Dead Bug Variations
Dead bugs are one of my favourite exercises for improving lumbo-pelvic stability. If you are unfamiliar with this term, think core stability. Here is one of the most deceptively challenging dead bug…
Zombie Push-Up Challenge: Do You Have What It Takes?
Zombie push-ups are a very advanced push-up, and happen to be one of my favourites. They are a great serratus strengthener as well. When it comes to push-ups (and really, anything…