Despite what you might think, planks don’t have to be easy or boring. Once you have mastered the fundamentals there are countless possibilities. Here are 5 plank core exercises that are…
5 Hip Flexor/Lower Body Exercises For Runners
To be very clear, if you want to get better at running, you NEED to run. However, while running offers many benefits, running is not a suitable substitute for strength training.…
5 Exercises For STRONGER Hip Flexors And Improved Mobility
I’ll come right out and say it. Most people, including beginner to advanced gym goers, runners, and athletes do not give their hip flexors the strengthening attention this important muscle group needs and…
5 Exercises For STRONG Quads
Here are 5 exercises that strengthen the quadriceps. All of these exercises require minimal equipment so they can be done at home or in a gym. #1) Negative 1.5 Rep Rear Foot…
Get Your First Push-Up: 3 Of My Top Push-Up Cues!
While many people think of the push-up as relatively basic, it is in fact an exercise that a myriad of people of all genders, fitness levels, and abilities, struggle to do properly.…
Struggling With Pull-Ups? 5 Of My Top Exercises For Learning Pull-Ups!
Are you struggling to do your first pull-up ever, or improve your current best for reps? You might be struggling to do pull-ups as you probably aren’t doing exercises that are the…
Get Your First Push-Up With These 5 Push-Up Progressions
Push-ups are an incredibly effective and empowering bodyweight exercise, but are one that many people of all fitness levels and abilities struggle to excel at. It’s not uncommon for someone to be…
5 Deadlifts That Don’t Start From The Floor
Countless people have been led to believe that their deadlift doesn’t “count” unless the starting position is from the floor. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Unfortunately, people of all backgrounds,…
5 Bear Crawl Exercises You Might Not Have Tried
Are you looking to build more durable shoulders, and improve your lumbo-pelvic stability (think core). Here are 5 bear crawl exercises you might not have seen or tried before. Bear crawls, and…
5 Important Muscles You Are NOT Training! Part 2
When a lot of people train they focus purely on the larger muscle groups, or the muscles they can see in the mirror. Can you relate to this? Only training the larger…
5 Exercises For Stronger Feet And Lower Legs
Here are 5 top exercises for strengthening the muscles in the foot and lower leg. These exercises will be beneficial to runners, and really, all people. #1) Isometric Skater Squat + Lateral Band…
5 Of My Top Exercises For Strong Inner Thighs
Many people overlook strengthening the adductors. If you want stronger inner thigh muscles, give these 5 adductor exercises a try. #1) Band Resisted Kneeling Adductor Slides This exercise, which strengthens the adductors…
5 Hollow Body Holds For Building A Strong Core
Hollow body holds are one of my top exercises for building a strong core. If you want to thrive at pull-ups, push-ups (and also perform more advanced variations of both), and countless…
Build More Durable Knees With These 5 Exercises
In order to perform at a high level (including in daily life), and feel good in the process, having durable and resilient knees is vital. Here are 5 exercises that can help…
5 Important Muscles You Are NOT Training!
When a lot of people train, they focus purely on the larger muscle groups, or the muscles they can see in the mirror. Can you relate to this? Only training the larger…
5 Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises For “Tight” Hip Flexors
I’ll come right out and say it. Stop automatically assuming you have to stretch your “tight” hip flexors. I have tight in quotations as there are different reasons why your hip flexor muscles…
5 Exercises For Durable And Resilient Hamstrings
Here are 5 of my go-to exercises for durable and resilient hamstrings. If you are a runner, other athlete, or anybody really, these exercises will be very beneficial. These are also great…
5 Planks That Aren’t Easy Or Boring – Part 2
Despite what you might think, planks don’t have to be easy or boring. Once you have mastered the fundamentals there are countless possibilities. Here are 5 plank variations that are not…
5 Exercises For More Durable Adductors
The adductors are a muscle group that are overlooked by many. Fixating on the glutes (a lot of people can probably relate to this) but neglecting the adductors is a big mistake.…
Do This Instead Of Crunches! 5 Exercises You Need To Try!
Here are 5 awesome exercises for improving lumbo-pelvic stability. You do not need to do crunches or sit-ups to have a strong and highly functioning core! To be clear, unless there are…