THE ULTIMATE Muscle-Up/Pistol Squat PROGRAM Package
The Training Blueprint For Superhuman Strength
AND Endless Potential
Achieve Your Muscle-Up and Pistol Squat Goals From Home Or The Gym
save $37 when you buy both programs
Buy The Ultimate Muscle-Up/Pistol Squat Program Package today and save big! This package includes The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program and The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program.
The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program Regularly costs $97

Whether you are looking to perform your first proper muscle-up ever, improve your current form, increase your personal best for reps, learn more advanced and innovative muscle-up variations, or all of the above, The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program has you covered.
The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program Regularly costs $97

Currently being followed by THOUSANDS of happy customers in over 35 countries!
save $37
Normally both of these programs would cost $194. But, you can get The Ultimate Muscle-Up/Pistol Squat Program Package today for only $157.
What You Are Getting:
What This Program Is NOT:
To reiterate, please read the detailed program description on this website before buying.
The Creator Of The Ultimate Muscle-up/Pistol Squat Program Package

I have been a certified personal trainer/coach for over 20 years (the first 14+ years was full time in-person), an online coach for over six years, and an avid multi-sport athlete for most of my life.
I have helped thousands of people worldwide reach their goals, and achieve a level of strength and empowerment they didn’t even know existed.
I have also helped countless people fall in love with working out. I use a combination of very fundamental and innovative exercises, and really hammer home the importance of using proper form. I also strongly believe working out should be empowering and fun.
When it comes to my coaching, my content, and my own training, I use a “3 E” approach. I always want my clients (or people who follow my work) to feel EDUCATED, EMPOWERED, and EXCITED. The “3 E’s” have been a total game-changer for me as a coach, and as an educator.
The ultimate Muscle-up Program
The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program is incredibly thorough and well thought out, and is 140 pages in length!
Virtually all of the muscle-up programs I have seen have been incredibly disappointing, and have fallen short in many areas. When I created The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program, I took all of these short-comings and glaring flaws into account. My program is a game-changer!
As The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program is divided into four phases (each phase is to be followed for at least 4-12 weeks), the exercises will increase in difficulty as you progress from one phase to the next. In each phase I am giving you more than enough, but not too much, as I don’t want you to be overwhelmed. With my own muscle-up training, once I fully bought into doing “enough” but not “too much,” my overall enjoyment and muscle-up results exploded!
For your convenience, in addition to this content-filled program, I am also giving you a separate PDF that includes only the exercise charts, and bonus exercises. This separate PDF will be much easier to navigate through while you are doing your actual workouts.
In each phase of The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program, I’m including an abundance of exercises, and my coaching tips, cues, and feedback, that will progressively help you improve the following:
Muscle-Up Technique - When it comes to excelling at muscle-ups, technique will play a massive role! It is not just about being strong. In each phase of this program, you will keep improving your overall technique and competency.
Pull-up height and power - Being able to do a high pull-up is the top factor for excelling at muscle-ups! Countless people overlook this and wonder why they struggle with muscle-ups! I’m sure this program will give you many “lightbulb” or “aha” moments!
False grip - Developing a strong and sustainable false grip will help you get from the pull to push in one fluid movement, so you’ll get over the bar with ease! Remember, getting a good false grip takes patience and consistency! In this program, I’m also including some grip training exercises that aren’t muscle-up specific per se, but they all have a HUGE carryover to muscle-ups. You can also use a regular pull-up grip if you prefer.
Muscle-up transition - The great news is that the higher your pull-up is, and your high pull-up is going to improve a LOT as you progress through this program, the easier the muscle-up transition will be! That said, the transition is a vital component of the muscle-up. As you progress through this program, you will improve both your transition technique and strength!
Muscle-up specific pushing strength - If you have a strong push, after you’ve completed the transition, you’ll get to the top position of the muscle-up with ease! A high level of pushing strength will also play a key role in your ability to do the transition. Get ready for building some STRONG triceps, pecs, and delts! I’m also including some pressing exercises that aren’t muscle-up specific per se, but they all have a HUGE carryover to muscle-ups.
Muscle-up lowering component - Like with pull-ups, being able to lower fluidly from the bar to the bottom position will make doing the next rep much easier! Countless people struggle with this key fundamental. In this program, you will dramatically improve your ability to perform the eccentric component of the muscle-up.
Lumbo-pelvic stability (think core stability) - As I talk about ALL the time, particularly when it comes to pull-ups, and this is equally true with muscle-ups, it is significantly easier to move a stable/rigid object to and from the bar than it is to move a floppy/unstable object.
If you lack tension and stability around your torso, spine, hips, and even lower body, you will be more prone to pulling needless deadweight. You will also be more likely to excessively swing so your path to the bar will be longer and inefficient. All of the above will make each rep feel dramatically tougher than it should.
Shoulder and scapular stability (and controlled mobility) - In order to excel at pull-ups, muscle-ups, and many of the other exercises in this program, and to feel good in the process, being able to control the movement of your shoulders and shoulder blades is a must!
I like to differentiate and will use the term “controlled mobility” when the parts are moving and you need to be able to control the movement, and “stability” when the parts are not moving and you need to be able to keep them in a fixed position. In this program, I include exercises that address both!
Wrist mobility - With muscle-ups, particularly during the transition (both on the way up and down), having adequate wrist mobility will help you perform at a higher level, and feel better!
You will also receive a bonus section. In this section you will receive 8 of my favorite advanced muscle-up variations you can learn.
**100% of the exercises in The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program come with a very thorough and detailed written coaching description and tips, and video.
Due to the detailed nature of this program, and the abundance of coaching tips, cues, and videos I provide, you will feel like I’m there coaching you in person!
What Some Of My Customers/Coaches Have Said About My Ultimate Programs

Travis Pollen, PhD - Rehabilitation Scientist & Personal Trainer
"As I’m Sure You Could Tell, I Love The Program. Might Just Be Your Best One Yet!"
"Meghan Callaway raises the bar yet again with the highly-anticipated Ultimate Muscle-Up Program. Her knack for delivering high-quality, thorough programs is unparalleled, and this one is no exception.
Many muscle-up resources focus primarily on brute upper body strength. In contrast, Meghan offers a more complete and nuanced roadmap to the muscle-up. The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program recognizes the importance of core strength, grip training, mobility, and body control. This holistic approach presents a well-rounded path to muscle-up mastery.
The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program doesn’t just deliver a list of exercises. It immerses you in four meticulously designed training phases — each constructed to bring you one step closer to a perfect muscle-up. The level of detailed instruction Meghan brings to each exercise is extraordinary. And alongside the meticulous text descriptions, Meghan provides video links showcasing her flawless execution of each exercise.
With The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program, Meghan Callaway has without a doubt created another game-changer. I wholeheartedly endorse this exceptional resource and wish I had it when I was first embarking on my own muscle-up journey. Whether you're aspiring to achieve your first muscle-up, looking to refine your existing technique, or seeking to expand your muscle-up strength or endurance, this program has you covered!"
Joe Gilfedder - Senior Associate Athletic Director For Sports Performance At Fordham University
"I’ve Used The Ultimate Pull-Up Program With HUNDREDS Of My University Athletes"
‘’Meghan Callaway is an incredibly valuable resource for me in my development as a strength and conditioning coach to over 550 student athletes. She is one of the few coaches on social media I religiously follow to make sure I never miss a post!
Her ingenuity, attention to detail in exercise execution, and mastery of basic human movement prompted me to invest in her Ultimate Pull-up Program. As a coach to a wide array of collegiate athletes, I truly value the pull-up as a foundational movement. Controlling our body weight in space is a critical part of developing strong, injury resilient athletes.
Meghan has included numerous progressions/regressions and assistance exercises to build mastery of the pull-up no matter where you currently stand on your pull-up journey. In fact, the programs are so comprehensive, I’ve seen huge carryover to exercises outside of just pull-ups.
This book truly is the gold standard when it comes to mastering the pull-up by giving athletes the blueprint to go from Zero to Hero on Pull-ups!’’

Emily Fauser - Athlete
"I Did It! Ten Overhand Grip Strict Pull-Ups!"
"It’s taken me 8 months of consistent hard work, sweat, and some tears to get from zero to ten. Some of you have followed this little journey of mine on my Instagram stories. I began posting as a way to keep track of my progress and keep myself accountable, but in the process, gained a ton of encouragement from those who took time to cheer me on with kind words and messages. Thank you so much!
Pull-Ups are an incredible total body exercise involving so much more than your back. There were many different exercises I needed to do to improve my core and lumbo-pelvic stability as well as grip strength and scapular mobility.
A few months into my training, I was fortunate to find Meghan Callaway and her Ultimate Pull-up Program. I don’t mean to sound like an ad, but, I honestly don’t think I could have achieved my 10 without this program and her specific guidance. She is the real deal and I’m so grateful."

Jacq Hauser - Athlete
"I did it! I’ve attached a photo of me doing a pull-up at the Marine Corps stand at the Minnesota State Fair (one of the largest in the US). My form was lacking, because I was so nervous I forgot what I had been practicing. I had only gotten up at the gym once prior, a few days before attempting this. It was incredibly intimidating to do this in front of an audience, which included not only the marines, but a huge number of people waiting in line for a popular food stand. They had nothing to do but watch people attempt pull-ups.
To boost my confidence, my son-in-law, in the foreground, said he would do pull-ups on the other bar, bless his heart. I finished to lots of cheers and applause. It was my goal for quite some time to do this at the Marine Corps stand before my 70th birthday, which is in a few weeks. I’ve been working towards it for a year and a half. I strongly believe that it’s not only possible but incredibly important to work on building strength as we age.
Thanks to your program, your tips and your support, I reached my goal. Next year — five. Many thanks!"

Michael Hayes - Athlete
"I do pull-ups because at the age of 61 it keeps me young.
I came across Meghan Callaway’s Ultimate Pull-Up Program and the video of Meghan doing pull-ups and she blew me away! She made it look so easy.
I ordered her pull-up program and it changed the way that I train. After only 3 weeks I was doing a pull-up and getting my chin over the bar."

Emily Ledford - Owner of Emily Ledford Fitness & Nutrition, LLC
"Whether you are doing lots of pull-ups or just wanting to get that first pull-up...This is the amazing program that you need.
Sure there are lots of programs out there. But I can tell you (being a trainer for so many years) there is not one like this.
There is not a single question I thought of that she hadn't answered already. It is all in the program. The tutorials are amazing the written instructions are amazing. Everything is there that you need and you are going to succeed!"
SAVE $37
Normally both of these programs would cost $194. But, you can get The Ultimate Muscle-Up/Pistol Squat Program Package today for only $157.
The ultimate Pistol Squat Program
The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program is a 170 page three phase training program that will help improve your pistol squat technique, unilateral lower body strength, lower leg and foot strength, athleticism, and ability to move. You will learn many new exercises as well!
For your convenience, in addition to this content-filled program, I am also giving you a separate PDF that includes only the exercise charts, and bonus exercises. This separate PDF will be much easier to navigate through while you are doing your actual workouts.
While The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program is incredibly comprehensive, it is very well organized and is not intimidating to follow. Like with all of the programs I’ve created, I wanted to over-deliver on this program, and I've done just that!
The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program, which is a combination of very fundamental and innovative exercises, has been divided into 3 phases (plus a bonus section). Each phase should last anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks.
I am giving you 65 of my top exercises! I included exercises that target the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, adductors, hip flexors, the muscles in the lower leg and foot, and the core muscles. I also included an assortment of my go-to mobility exercises for the hips and ankles.
100% of the exercises in The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program come with a very thorough and detailed written coaching description and tips, video, and photo.
In each phase of The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program, I have included exercises that will help you:
With The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program, you will also improve your overall form and technique with my detailed coaching, and you will likely learn many new exercises you might not have seen or tried before. This will benefit your training. If you are a coach, you will be able to apply your newly acquired (or refined) knowledge to your coaching.
100% of the exercises in The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program come with a very thorough and detailed written coaching description and tips, video, and photo.
What Some Of My Customers/Coaches Have Said About My Ultimate Programs

Diana Parker - Athlete And Coach
"I think of Meghan as a wise cyborg coach that can help anyone unlock their superhuman potential! Her program breaks down the pistol squat into progressions in a way that’s easy to understand and not feel too overwhelmed by. Meghan has an attention to detail on proper form like no other coach I’ve seen. She has the superpower to make very difficult exercises/goals seem simple and attainable. As a visual person, the videos and images are very helpful. And once you master the basics, she adds in fun “showy” challenge moves which are so rewarding after all the hard work!
I have been a trainer for 6 years and Meghan’s content and programs are such a great resource for improving my cueing and coaching. Thank you Meghan for creating this program for everyone and anyone! Now let’s have a pistol squat party!"

Logan Dube - Master Instructor at PPSC (Pain Free Performance Specialist), Director Of Education - Fitness World Canada
"After enjoying Meghan's previous programs, I was excited to crack open the Ultimate Pistol Squat Program! While I program and coach a lot of more standard movements (squats, lunges, etc.) for my clients, I've always wanted to achieve a more controlled pistol squat - on both legs, not just my strong one!
Meghan has provided a lot of really great exercises with unique set ups, in-depth but easy to follow instructions and videos that demonstrate everything you need to see in order to perform the exercises correctly. The workout charts are also really easy to follow.
So, not only is this a great program if you're looking to change up and challenge your own training, but it's also a really valuable resource if you're a trainer who's looking to learn more and deliver a better training experience to your clients. Thanks for another awesome program Meghan!"

Gareth Sapstead - MSc CSCS, Coach
"Meghan has done it again with arguably the most important program yet in the "Ultimate" series. The development of single-leg strength should be a fundamental component of any good program, regardless of age, gender, body composition or athletic goal. Yet, it's often overlooked or treated as an afterthought.
The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program will change that, making your single leg strength a priority and ultimately improving many other aspects of your training and lifestyle. You'll not find a more comprehensive guide on how to improve your single-leg squatting ability."

Matthew S. Ibrahim - Strength Coach, Adjunct Professor, Ph.D. Student
"Meghan Callaway has a proven track record that speaks for itself when it comes to coaching, training and programming.
It's no surprise that her newest development, The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program, is another absolute slam dunk.
If your goal is to master the pistol squat and build complete knee strength, look no further than Meghan Callaway. Truly, she is THE best of the best!"

Leigh Peele - NASM, CPT, Coach, Author, Researcher, Podcast Host
"I've been begging Meghan to do a Pistol Squat program since her legendary drop of the Ultimate Pull-Up program (which you should get if you don't own it already).
The beauty of Meghan is, she's not only talented at performing tasks on one leg but also highly proficient at teaching other people how to pull it off themselves. Like the rest of Meghan's Ultimate Series, it's a well-thought-out and put-together program that will help you achieve your goals.
Added point? This kind of training is significant for our Gen X folk who want to stay strong and agile."

Jenni Rawlings - E-RYT, Strength For Yoga Co-founder, Yoga Meets Movement Science Podcast Co-Host
"There is no better resource for learning and training pistol squats than Meghan Callaway’s The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program.
Meghan has synthesized an abundance of invaluable knowledge, advice, and coaching expertise into this one must-have manual.
I’d highly recommend it to anyone on the empowering journey of achieving or improving their pistol squat!"
What Some Of My Customers/Coaches Have Said About My Ultimate Programs

Tony Gentilcore - CSCS, Coach, Speaker
"When I think of secret government agents who kick ass and take names, I think of Jason Bourne. When I think of chin-up/pull-up badassery, I think of Meghan Callaway. There aren’t many coaches out there who do more walking of the walk than she.
Meghan’s a coach I respect a ton and the quality of her content (and character) is unparalleled by most. She’s also someone I would seek out to lead me through the zombie apocalypse: what she can do in the weight room is astounding. She’s the real deal."

Molly Galbraith - Owner At Girls Gone Strong
"Meghan Callaway knows her stuff when it comes to strength training. She is a knowledgeable, experienced, and innovative coach who practices what she preaches, every day. I have so much respect for the time Meghan has put into honing her craft, and creating this program. I couldn’t be more excited that such a comprehensive resource like The Ultimate Pull-Up Program exists to help women achieve their goal of getting stronger and crushing their pull-ups."

Lee Boyce - Strength Coach. Writer At Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Oxygen
"Meghan Callaway continues to surprise me with new innovative ways to train, especially with minimal equipment. It proves that it doesn’t take much to get an effective workout in, and with the correct guidance, good results can be achieved. And she is definitely an example of someone who can provide that good guidance."

Dr Timothy DiFrancesco - Doctor Of Physical Therapy, CSCS, Former Los Angeles Lakers Strength And Conditioning Coach (2011-2017)
"The pull-up is one of the more challenging and complex movements in the gym. I rarely see it done correctly and I never see it prepared for properly. Poor form and faulty planning leads to a lack of results with this movement.
I've only come across one resource that has laid out a program and plan that will help you to develop results in your efforts to build a better pull-up. Don't waste your time looking at other programs, the Ultimate Pull-Up Program is it, game over. You will learn how to build your body for the pull-up movement in a comprehensive way that takes into account far more than just your upper body.
You won't be disappointed and you will be doing the pull-ups you've wanted to do thanks to Meghan and this program."

Dean Somerset - BSc, Kinesiology, CSCS, CEP, speaker
"Meghan is a rare gem in the fitness industry; someone who puts in the work to learn how to get great results for her clients, leads by example with her own workouts, and looks to push the industry knowledge base forward with tried and true concepts built on creative and successful applications. She’s one of the frontrunners helping women to the foreground of strength training.
Meghan is one of the most innovative and practical trainers on the internet today. Her content is geared exactly the same as if you were her client and she was breaking down a complex skill for you, regardless of your experience or strength level. Her meticulous attention to detail means you're getting the absolute best from her regardless of what she does."

Kellie Hart Davis - Strong Curves Co-Author, Fit Thrive Founder
"I’ve followed Meghan’s work for years and am always impressed at how thorough and knowledgeable she is when it comes to fitness. She digs deep into subject matter, offers tremendous insight in all areas regarding coaching– from technique and progressions to emotional support and compassion – and is likely one of the most innovative coaches when it comes to leveling up any exercise. In the past year I’ve gotten to know Meghan on a more personal level and she’s just as genuine of a friend as she is a coach. She often shares with me videos of her clients’ progress and I am in awe of what is accomplished. She empowers people to defy odds and take on challenges they likely never thought possible. Yet she does so with great care and support. Anyone is lucky to have Meghan as a coach and I know her passion for fitness resonates well in her pull-up program. It’s like having her at your side every step of the way."

Jon Goodman - Founder of, Personal Trainer Development Center
"Meghan is passionate, credible, knowledgeable, diligent, and authentic. She makes her mark and leaves everything she touches better than it was before she started, whether it’s through her writing, videos, or her own programs/coaching. Anybody who works or learns from Meghan is lucky. She’s fantastic!"
SAVE $37
Normally both of these programs would cost $194. But, you can get The Ultimate Muscle-Up/Pistol Squat Program Package today for only $157.
Frequently Asked Questions About The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program:
Are There Pre-Requisites To Doing The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program?
Before you start The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program, you should be very proficient at doing regular pull-ups. While I hesitate to give a “one size fits all” answer in terms of the number of pull-ups you should be able to do in a row, and many people arbitrarily give a 8-10 consecutive rep range (I have NO idea where this number came from), you should be able to do at least 5 perfectly executed collarbone to bar pull-ups. This will serve as your most basic foundation.
If you are not yet at this level of pull-up proficiency, I recommend you complete my Ultimate Pull-Up Program first as this program will give you the pull-up competency you need in order to move on to doing muscle-ups.
Can The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program Be Done At Home? What Equipment Is Required To Follow This Program?
Yes! The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program is very home-workout friendly. I designed this program so it can be done from both home and the gym. You can also follow this program in outdoor calisthenics parks and playgrounds.
The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program requires a fairly minimal amount of equipment. The one mandatory piece of equipment is somewhere you can do muscle-ups, pull-ups, dips, and other muscle-up specific exercises I’m giving you. This can be done using a pull-up bar (should be stable, and should have the overhead clearance for you to do muscle-ups), rings, or an outdoor calisthenics park or playground.
You should also have some long bands (bands that are used for pull-ups). These can be purchased fairly inexpensively on Amazon (look for a five-star review) or elsewhere. And several exercises in each phase require dumbbells or a kettlebell.
How Many Days Per Week Are The Workouts To Be Done?
For each phase in The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program, you are being given three different workouts. Do each workout once a week for a total of three workouts per week, and leave at least one day between workouts.
As an example, you could do workout #1 on Monday, workout #2 on Wednesday, and workout #3 on Friday. Or you could do Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, etc.
Your recovery is extremely important as the purpose of The Ultimate Muscle-Up Program is to help you get better and achieve your muscle-up goals, NOT make you exhausted and run down! I definitely recommend leaving at least one day between workouts as you want to be fresh and recovered. If you ever feel like you aren’t sufficiently recovered, take two days off between workouts so you can really make each workout count. This is totally okay! Do what works and feels best for you.
Frequently Asked Questions About The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program:
Can The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program Be Done At Home?
Yes! The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program is VERY home-workout friendly. I know that over the past two years, many people have been doing most, if not all of their training from home. I designed this program so it can be done from home, and the gym.
How Many Days Per Week Are The Workouts To Be Done?
In The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program, in each phase you receive 2 different workouts. I recommend doing each workout 1-2 times per week, for a total of 2-4 workouts per week. I recommend leaving 1-2 days between workouts so your body has sufficient time to recover. While these are my recommendations, as always, figure out what works and feels best for you.
What Equipment Does The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program Require?
The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program is very user friendly as it only requires dumbbells (or kettlebells), bands, and a foam roller (sliders or towels can be used in place of a roller). However, the exercises in this program are very modifiable and can be adapted to meet the equipment you have at your disposal. If you don’t have dumbbells, you can use bands or household items.
SAVE $37
Normally both of these programs would cost $194. But, you can get The Ultimate Muscle-Up/Pistol Squat Program Package today for only $157.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
I take my work and ability to help people extremely seriously. With all of my products, I truly left no stone unturned. Due to the overall detail and effectiveness of my programs, and the amount of education, excitement, and empowerment that my programs produce, the money back guarantee is virtually never used.
BUT, I wanted to make sure you know that you are fully protected with my 60-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. If you are unhappy with any of my programs in any way, for up to 60 days after the date of purchase, you will get a FULL refund because I care about your happiness.
Meghan Callaway
NOTE: The Ultimate Muscle-Up/Pistol Squat Program Package is an eBook. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will receive an email with the book ready for you to download.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
Obligatory disclaimer: The FTC requires us to specify what “typical” results are. The truth: most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. The biggest factor is you. BUT, for those who actually USE the program, all of the success stories featured above are very typical in terms of results.
Meghan Callaway is not a physician. The contents of this product or website should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem – nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health. By participating in this workout program, you agree that Meghan Callaway shall not be liable or responsible for any injuries to you resulting from your participation in this workout program (whether at home, at a health club, or anywhere else).