Last week I addressed a common pull-up mistake that is preventing countless fully capable people of achieving their pull-up goals. You can read this article below. Common Pull-Up Mistake #1 – Lack…
3 Common Pull-Up Mistakes: How To Fix Them For Faster Progress! – Part 1
Pull-ups are one of the best bodyweight exercises for building upper body strength, back muscles, core stability (pull-ups are a moving hollow body or plank, depending on the variation you do), and…
5 Of My Top Exercises For Learning Pull-Ups!
Do you have the awesome goal of learning how to do pull-ups? I have you covered! Here are 5 of my top exercises that will help you learn how to do pull-ups.…
Build A Strong Back With These 5 Exercises
Here are 5 of my top back strengthening exercises. These exercises are a staple in my training, and the training of my many clients. I also include many of these exercises in…
5 Accessory Exercises For Better Pull-Ups And Muscle-Ups
When it comes to training for pull-ups and muscle-ups, including accessory exercises is very beneficial. These exercises can help prepare your body for the rigours of pull-ups and muscle-ups, and they address…
Struggling With Pull-Ups? STOP Relying On Banded Pull-Ups! 😲😲
Have you been relying on band assisted pull-ups, and the second you attempt to do unassisted pull-ups they seem impossible? I know this is something COUNTLESS people can relate to! To be…
The WORST Pull-Up Advice That Exists! Do This Instead!
When it comes to pull-ups what I’m about to share with you is a big pet peeve of mine, and is unfortunately something I hear a lot! This source of misinformation is…
Excel At Pull-Ups With These 5 Core Exercises
As I talk about ALL the time, pull-ups are a moving plank, or hollow body depending on what body position you choose to adopt. If you cannot generate and maintain enough tension…
A Top Pull-Up Mistake You Are Likely Making. And My Solutions!
Are you struggling to do your first pull-up ever, or build up your number of reps? This common pull-up mistake might be holding you back from achieving your pull-up goals!! This is a mistake…
Struggling With Pull-Ups? 5 Of My Top Exercises For Learning Pull-Ups!
Are you struggling to do your first pull-up ever, or improve your current best for reps? You might be struggling to do pull-ups as you probably aren’t doing exercises that are the…
Pull-Ups: 10 Exercises For Durable And Resilient Shoulders
Here are 10 of my go-to exercises for keeping the shoulders feeling good, and functioning at a high level. If doing pull-ups is a goal of yours (or if pull-ups are already…
Get A Grip: Improve Your Grip And Much More With This Exercise!
This exercise improves shoulder and scapular stability, lumbo-pelvic stability, and grip. Loading just one side of the bar makes these very anti-lateral flexion in nature. This exercise will have a positive carryover…
5 Innovative Exercises For Improving Your Pull-Ups
Pull-ups are an empowering, effective, and exciting exercise to do! While pull-ups are challenging for people of all genders, ages, and backgrounds, achieving one or many consecutive pull-ups is a realistic goal…
Get A Stronger Grip With Pull-Up Iso Grip Switches
Are you looking to improve your grip for pull-ups (and many other exercises)? Give this badass exercise a try! This advanced exercise improves grip, shoulder and scapular stability, and lumbo-pelvic stability (think…
3 Of My Go-To Coaching Cues For Better Pull-Ups
Pull-ups are an incredibly empowering, effective, and exciting exercise to do! While pull-ups are challenging for people of all genders, ages, and backgrounds, achieving one or many consecutive pull-ups is a realistic…
Are Pull-Ups A Goal? Stop Relying On Band Assisted Pull-Ups!
Have you been relying on band assisted pull-ups, and the second you attempt to do unassisted pull-ups they seem impossible? There is a reason (or several) why! While using band assistance has…
This Hollow Body Hold Is Very Specific To Pull-Ups
Are pull-ups a goal of yours? If so, check out this innovative hollow body hold variation. This exercise has a great carryover to pull-ups! This exercise improves lumbo-pelvic stability, and shoulder and…
I Was Just Featured In The New York Times!
I’m honored to have recently been featured in The New York Times. I discussed pull-ups, hence the title of the article, How To Master The Pull-Up. It is a really cool and…
Stronger Grip With This Awesome Superset!
Here is a superset you can do that will help improve your grip (among other things). These exercises require minimal equipment. Exercise 1a) Tall Kneeling Single Arm Bottoms-Up Overhead Kettlebell Presses This…
Amazing Client Progress: 2 Chin-Ups At Age 75!
This was pre-pandemic. Sue is 75 years old. She always wanted to be able to do an unassisted pull-up. For several years we worked as a team to achieve this goal.…