Countless people devote all of their training time to stretching and TOTALLY neglect strength training. Many of these individuals wonder why they feel chronically tight and aren’t noticing any improvements. Much of…
Want To Build STRONGER Glutes? Do These 5 Exercises!!
Here are 5 of my go-to exercises for building stronger glutes. As you can see, these exercises do not require a lot of equipment so they can be done at home, the…
5 Top Strengthening Exercises For Runners. Get STRONG To Run!
To be very clear, if you want to get better at running, you NEED to run. However… While running is very beneficial, running is not a suitable substitute for strength training.…
5 Top Hip Strengthening Exercises For Building STRONG Hips!!
Many people of all fitness levels and abilities, ages, and backgrounds, struggle with hips that feel like the tin man in the Wizard Of Oz! It doesn’t have to be this way!…
5 Exercises For A Stronger Serratus Muscle
Here are 5 of my go-to exercises for strengthening the serratus anterior muscle. If you struggle with overhead mobility, and possibly cranky shoulders and/or elbows, a lack of strength in the serratus…
Build A STRONG Posterior Core With These 5 Exercises!
While this might come as a shock, the core is not JUST your “abs!” Countless people fixate on the six pack muscles, and overlook other important muscles that will help you function…
Maximize Your Workout Results With These 5 Exercises!
Do you want to achieve better training results and in less time? I’ll let you in on a HUGE programming secret! You do NOT need to spend HOURS at the gym to…
Build Strong Quads And Better Mobility With These 5 Exercises
Here are 5 exercises that strengthen the quadriceps and improve mobility. They are great for both home AND gym workouts! #1) Heel Elevated Split Squats As you can see, my knee is…
Build Full Body Strength With These 5 Landmine Exercises
Landmine training and the countless exercises you can perform are beneficial, badass, and empowering, and can be a key component in your training arsenal. Are you unfamiliar with landmine exercises? They involve…
5 Smarter Strategies For Achieving Muscle “Confusion”
Stop being confused about muscle confusion! Countless people make the mistake of constantly switching up their training program or jumping from new exercise to new exercise because they “crave variety” or “get…
5 HUMBLING Exercises For Stronger Obliques
Here are 5 humbling exercises that help strengthen the obliques. These exercises can be done both at home and the gym. #1) Single Leg Isometric Glute Bridge + Lateral Leg Lowering This…
Build STRONG Hamstrings With These 5 Exercises
Here are 5 of my go-to exercises for stronger and more resilient hamstrings. Many of these exercises require a fairly minimal amount of equipment so they can be done at home or…
5 Exercises For STRONG Quads
Here are 5 exercises that strengthen the quadriceps. All of these exercises require minimal equipment so they can be done at home or in a gym. #1) Negative 1.5 Rep Rear Foot…
5 Bear Crawl Exercises You Might Not Have Tried
Are you looking to build more durable shoulders, and improve your lumbo-pelvic stability (think core). Here are 5 bear crawl exercises you might not have seen or tried before. Bear crawls, and…
5 Of My Top Exercises For Strong Inner Thighs
Many people overlook strengthening the adductors. If you want stronger inner thigh muscles, give these 5 adductor exercises a try. #1) Band Resisted Kneeling Adductor Slides This exercise, which strengthens the adductors…
5 “Strength” Exercises For Better Mobility – Part 2
Here are 5 exercises that will help improve your mobility. You’ll notice that most of these exercises involve a strength component. Not all mobility training you do has to involve “traditional” mobility…
5 Important Muscles You Are NOT Training!
When a lot of people train, they focus purely on the larger muscle groups, or the muscles they can see in the mirror. Can you relate to this? Only training the larger…
Get Stronger With These 5 Kettlebell Exercises
If you want to get stronger but don’t have a lot of equipment (and even if you do), training with a kettlebell can be a great option! Here are 5 of my…
5 Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises For “Tight” Hip Flexors
I’ll come right out and say it. Stop automatically assuming you have to stretch your “tight” hip flexors. I have tight in quotations as there are different reasons why your hip flexor muscles…
Get A Stronger Posterior Chain With These 5 Deadlift Variations
Deadlifts strengthen the posterior chain muscles. Here are 5 different deadlifting variations. I am including multiple variations that do not involve starting from the floor. Countless people have been led to believe…